Silent Day and Residential Retreats

Why would anyone ever consider going on a silent retreat?

Whilst many find silence peaceful, restful, and a place to consolidate scattered thoughts and emotions, others find it uncomfortable, distracting, and maybe even painful. For some, retreats are part of their church tradition. For others, they are most definitely not. 

In the midst of the busyness of life, why would anyone consider taking a silent retreat?

As we at Foxhill are running several events which are mainly silent we posed that question to, amongst others, Jon Pokock, Strategic Programme Director in the Diocese, and Gill Morgan a trustee of the Quiet Garden Movement and leader of quiet days both in her own garden and at Foxhill.

Click here to read the full article.


Whilst there are opportunities for quiet throughout our programme, below are specific opportunities to retreat in silence.


ReSource ~ Individually Guided Retreat

From 3:30pm on Monday 13th (introductory session at 5pm) to 11am on Thursday 16th May

Led by the Revd Stephen Dinsmore and the Reverend Pauline Shepherd.

Space to listen, receive, pray and enjoy God's presence.

The retreat offers you the opportunity and time to pay attention to God and God's work in your life, for you to pray and reflect, and to renew, rest, restore and repair.
Step away from the immediacy and noise of life to focus on your relationship with God, the eternal, as a time of refreshment and renewal or, if you choose, to wrestle with an issue of the moment. 

Each retreatant will be accompanied by their own spiritual guide who will help them both to focus, and experience a personal encounter and deepening relationship with God.

The retreat includes corporate time of silence, two short daily services with a helpful reflection, and a one to one meeting each day with your spiritual guide. 

This is a retreat both for those for whom this will be their first silent individually guided retreat and for those for whom it is not - all will be most welcome.

Responses from participants in ReSource's 2023 Foxhill Retreat.

'I have turned a corner spiritually', ' A milestone - and what a God-filled experience', 'Helped filter God's calling and voice to me', 'An opportunity to rest in God's love'

£325pp - Includes en-suite accommodation, all meals and refreshments.

To find out about our Early Bird Discount or Bursary Scheme, or if you have any other questions, please contact the Foxhill team:
01928 733777
For more information and to book go to Eventbrite.

Individually Guided Retreat

Monday 11th - Thursday 14th November 

Led by the Chester Diocesan Spirituality Group

An Individually Guided Retreat is an opportunity to set aside time and space to listen to God. It is also a space where someone will listen to you.

After an introduction on Monday evening, the other days until Thursday morning will be in silence including meals. This silence is our gift to one another.

Each day you will meet with a prayer guide to help you structure and make the most of your time, so there’s no need to worry if you haven’t experienced this type of retreat before.

Your prayer guide will suggest ways to slow down and listen – to yourself and God.



There are many ways of listening:

  • with suggested bible passages
  • by walking in the beautiful grounds of Foxhill or beyond
  • in the designated art space where materials and suggestions are provided



There will be opportunity to meet in the chapel daily for morning prayer and communion.

Rooms in Foxhill will be adapted to provide spaces for reflection and creativity.

This is an opportunity to discern what God may be saying and doing in our lives. We recommend that you resist the temptation to bring tasks or books with you, but have the courage to set them aside for a couple of days so that you can rest.


Prayer Guides

This retreat is organised by Chester Diocese Spirituality Group. The prayer guides are all experienced and trained in spiritual accompaniment.


Please note: A silent retreat may not be helpful if you are going through a time of recent bereavement or particular stress. Other support may be more appropriate.


£290 - Includes en-suite accommodation, all meals and refreshments.

To find out about our Early Bird Discount or Bursary Scheme, or if you have any questions, please contact the Foxhill team:

01928 733777

God gives Presence: He will be with you…

(largely silent)

with Gill Morgan   Tuesday 10th December 

'A retired primary teacher with a leaning towards the arts, friends, family and faith are the mainstays of my life. My heart is drawn to contemplative spirituality, my passion to draw others to discover this too, and to experience the inner stillness to be found in silence. For over 12 years now I have opened my home and my garden to host and lead Quiet Garden Days under the banner of the Quiet Garden Movement, more recently becoming a trustee.

My faith has been strengthened during some dark times in my life and this has increased my awareness of God with me at all times. On this Encounter Day (which will be mainly in silence) we will be exploring how God can become more real to each of us, both through ways we are familiar with but also perhaps stepping into something a little more out of our comfort zone.'

For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.

Upcoming Events

Thursday 1st August
12:00am -
Saturday 10th August
9:30am - 3:30pm -
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