

Gilly's Quiet Garden 

Gill creates our prayer spaces in the Chapel and is a real blessing to Foxhill and those who visit. 

Whilst Foxhill remains closed, Gill has kindly adapted and shared some some of our previous prayer spaces so that can be enjoyed at home to help during this difficult time.

More information about Gilly's Quiet Garden can be found here.

Teresa of Avila
Isaiah 55 The Word of God
Time Apart
New Life
Here I am 
Turmoil and Peace
Treasure in Jars of Clay



Found in the Desert

With Anne de Reybekill and Sarah Batchelor

Welcome to this retreat!  We had planned for this to be a day when we met at Foxhill, one of their 2020 series of Pilgrim’s Rest reflections.  We can’t meet at the moment – so, wherever you are, we invite you to take time to step aside and take time to journey with us – and today we will journey in the deserts with Elijah in 1 Kings 16-19.

The pages which follow offer you different options, different starting points for your resting points.  Go slowly, go gently, dip in and choose.  The timing is up to you.  Pray as you can.  Pick up a page, a thought; set things down and rest; be encouraged and refreshed.

There may be more prayer prompts here than you want to use.  That’s fine.  No one is counting.  Do what helps you on your journey today.


So…. take a little time to just ‘arrive’.  Even though you are probably at home, it takes effort to set aside a block of time to be ‘on a retreat’.  So sit, breathe, do whatever helps you to relax and be open to God – and in the quietness, welcome the Holy Spirit as He leads you in your praying and your reading and your meeting with Him today.


God in the Silence
Praying with the Imagination
Elijah, Ahab, and Fire on Mount Carmel
Elijah's Exhaustion 
Elijah's Encounter
Recalling Your Faith Journey
The God Who Sees Us
Lectio Divina 
Rainbow Prayer

Upcoming Events

Thursday 1st August
12:00am -
Saturday 10th August
9:30am - 3:30pm -
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