What's on

Electronic Booklet

In John’s Gospel, Jesus says, ’I have come to give life - life till it overflows.’  (John 10:10)

What an amazing gift, but I wonder… is that the experience of many of us? Rather than the abundance that Jesus promised, sometimes our own experience is one of scarcity - not enough space, time, energy, enthusiasm, resilience...

Through our Encounter Days this year, we will be reflecting on how we have a God who gives… gives all that we need to live for him and experience the abundant life that Jesus offers. So may we encourage you to make space for time away at Foxhill, whether for a day or a few days, to meet with and receive from the God who gives.

Our 2024 programme includes retreats and day retreats on a variety of themes with guest leaders from different traditions, as well as partnerships with organisations such as ReSource and Chester Cursillo.

Please click the links below for more information about each retreat along with details on how to book:
Encounter Days 

Residential and Day Retreats 

~ Special Offer ~

We have a loyalty scheme for our Encounter Days and an early bird discount for our Residential Retreats.

If in one transaction you book five Encounter Days for 2023 you will only pay for four. This applies to both individuals or if booking for a group.

For our Residential Retreats, if you book at least three months in advance of the start of the retreat, you will receive a 10% discount (excluding the Icon Painting Retreat).

These discounts are only available directly through Foxhill when paid by BACS payment, cheque or cash.


Upcoming Events

Thursday 1st August
12:00am -
Saturday 10th August
9:30am - 3:30pm -
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